Capri Djatiasmoro and R Cristian Vergara – Episode 4

Cristian Vergara and Capri Djatiasmoro are founders of CIBBOWS (Coney Island Brighton Beach Open Water Swimmers) and incredible marathon and extreme cold swimmers. They are heavily involved in organizing and participating in swims in the New York City area, including the swim from the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge in Staten Island to Sandy Hook, the northern tip of Jersey Shore. Capri assisted Cristian in his attempt to circumnavigate Easter Island.

Cristian Vergara and Capri Djatiasmoro are founders of CIBBOWS (Coney Island Brighton Beach Open Water Swimmers) and incredible marathon and extreme cold swimmers. They are heavily involved in organizing and participating in swims in the New York City area, including the swim from the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge in Staten Island to Sandy Hook, the northern tip of Jersey Shore. Capri assisted Cristian in his attempt to circumnavigate Easter Island. They made it almost 3/4 around the island but got stymied by the currents. They have both swum around Manhattan (almost 30 miles), and Cristian has swum the English Channel and the Strait of Gibraltar. In this interview, you can hear them describe these swims and some crazy swims in Glaciers in Argentina, winter swims in Russia, and a relay across the Bering Strait from Russia to Alaska in 2 degree C waters!

To view the interview from Facebook, see below.

This video was recorded back in May, but due to work I’m just now getting around to publishing this interview here.

For more information about Cristian’s swim around part of Easter Island, you can read more on the WOWSA (World Open Water Swimming Association) web site.